JAMES CHANDLER: The Influence of Adam Smith’s Theory on the Development of
Cinema (Ihering Guedes Alcoforado)
No livro An Archeology of Sympathy. The Sentimental Mode in Literature and Cinema, James Chandler evidencia a influência de Adam Smith no desenvolvimento do cinema. Ele mapeia a evolução das manifestações do “sentimental mode”de Adam Smith ao Irmãos Cohen. O conceito chave de sua analise é a “simpatia” entendida como “what connects one sensorium (i.e. sensibility, mobility, point of view) with another by enabling us to face one another, adopt one another’s point of view, and modify passion into sentiment by means of virtual circulation”.[ROSCA: 2016:53 apud CHANDLER, 2014]
#CHANDLER, James. 2013. “Adam Smith As Critic”, in Christopher J.
Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli and Craig Smith (eds.), The Oxford
Handbook of Adam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
126 –142.
CHANDLER, James. 2014. An Archaeology of Sympathy. The Sentimental Mode in Literature and Cinema. Chicago, IL and London: The University of Chicago Press.
#ROȘCA,Madalina, Seeing with Feeling Filmed Revolutions of Others, from an Empathic towards an Involved Spectatorship of Documentaries. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Constanza (Rumänien), 2016